ACOI and PAT Fintech partner with KPMG to launch the ‘KPMG Fintech Risk and Compliance Scholarship’
ACOI and PAT Fintech have partnered with KPMG to launch the ‘KPMG Fintech Risk and Compliance Scholarship’. KPMG will award a full tuition fee scholarship for the 2021/22 academic year for the Diploma in Fintech Risk and Compliance programme, which commences in September.
The Diploma in Fintech Risk and Compliance, a level 7 programme on the NFQ provided by Professional Accountancy Training and awarded by TU Dublin, delivers the core knowledge, skills, and competencies that professionals require to work in both a Fintech environment, and an increasingly digitised compliance function.
The Scholarship promotes the importance of further education and recognition of professional certification in the advancement of an individual in their career in Compliance. The Scholarship is open to those who hold at least a Higher Certificate (NFQ Level 6) with a background in business, finance, law, or technology.
To apply for the KPMG Fintech Risk and Compliance Scholarship, applicants must submit a 3-minute video outlining what they consider to be the future of the compliance professional’s role in the financial services industry. Applicants must also reference the technological and regulatory factors, and the impact of Fintech operating models, in the strategic evolution of the risk and compliance function.
The closing date for entries is Sunday 5th of September 2021.
For more information on the Scholarship, see: www.fintech.pat.edu.eu/kpmg-fintech-risk-compliance-scholarship
The Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland (ACOI) is the professional body for compliance professionals in Ireland. With over 3,250 members, it is the premier provider of education and professional development in compliance and is the leading authoritative voice on matters relating to regulatory compliance and business ethics in industry in the country. For more information on the Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland, see: www.acoi.ie/Update2/About_Us/Update2/AboutACOI/About.aspx